The advantages of registering a copyright include the following:
A copyright owner can also advantage from copyright by selling or agreeing a transfer of copyright to someone else. Many of the options obtainable to a copyright owner will involve contractual agreements which may be just as important as the rights provided by copyright law. The right contractual agreement can minimize the odds of a dispute over use of your copyright work. As a copyright owner, you may also like to consider the benefits of belonging to an organization representing the copyright owners in the area.
Establishes a public record of the copyright holder's ownership.
Without copyright protection, it would be easy for others to exploit these works without paying any royalties or compensation to the owner of the work.
Enables copyright holders to sue infringers
The registration certificate is valid for lifetime of the Proprietor of the brand name.+ 60 years there after
If the Copyrighted work is infringed it is a cognizable offence i.e. one can directly file a police complaint to stop the misuse of the work.
It ensures economic stability for the creator by allowing him to reproduce his work or art in whichever form he deems it necessary, be it reproduction of an already existing work or translating it from one medium to another.
The author of the work, once he has copyrighted the work, is free to create any derivative work from the copyrighted work.
The author, under all circumstances, is free to sale his work to some other party and pass on the copyright to the subsequent buyer.