We’ll keep an eye on your trademark so you can focus on your business
Why should I monitor trademark applications?
Trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights, including the monitoring of others' use of marks that are similar to their own. The Trade Mark Registry is responsible only for assessing applications and registering marks. And when the Trade Mark Registry reviews other trademark applications, they may approve a mark that you believe is similar to your own. Monitoring your trademark gives you an opportunity to dispute the registration of another mark.
Trademark Monitoring process
We actively monitor current applications with the Indian Trademark Office and notify you of potentially infringing applications . Determine if anyone else is registering a similar name, logo, or design by 'watching' new applications filed with the Indian Patent and Trademark Office.
A trademark watch looks for marks similar to those owned by your business that are either filed with or published by the Indian Patent and Trademark Office. Receive news of newly filed or published marks that are similar to your trademark or logo.
Conducting a trademark watch keeps you informed about potentially conflicting marks that are registered with the Indian Patent and Trademark Office. Recognizing potentially conflicting marks going through the registration process could allow you to enforce your trademark rights and force the denial of an application.
Don't let someone else register a mark that is similar to a name or logo that you have already trademarked. Order a trademark watch today.
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