Go to the link http://cdscoonline.gov.in.
* Signup, create your login credentials and submit all the details with valid e-mail id and mobile number (for alerts).
* Login into the portal.
* Select department and select type of form.
* Choose the type of application.
* After final submission, view the form details.
* It will be re-directed to the "Preview" page which shows all the information entered by the user.
* Click on "Edit" button to do any modifications in the filled form.
* View the form details and click on "Save and Continue" button to proceed further.
* Once moved to "Checklist" page, any further modifications in the application form will not be allowed.
* Click on each point to upload document electronically.
* Documents which need to be uploaded will vary from point to point.
* Upload all the documents and click on "Submit" button on the checklist page to proceed further.
* It will be re-directed to the "Payment".
* Fill the form details and click on "Submit" button to proceed further.
* It will be re-directed to the " Preview" page.
* Click on "PDF" button to generate the PDF of the duly filled form.
* Click on "Continue " button to proceed further.
* To submit the documents electronically click on 'browse' button and select the file from your system. Click on "Submit" button to proceed further.
* Upload Form 42 here, which was downloaded as PDF earlier in Full Preview page.
* RC Application will be submitted successfully and online application will be forwarded to the respective Designated Officer.
* Submitted application will be reviewed by the Designated Officer for compliance of required documents registration
* If the application is found to be satisfactory in all respect, the same will be forwarded for approval of Licensing Authority. Once approved, the approval letter will be available in Applicants SUGAM dashboard.
* If the application is not found satisfactory, then discrepancies in the application are intimated to the applicant in the SUGAM Portal.
* After the discrepancies are complied, it is then processed for approval.
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